
Showing posts from October, 2016
In the article ‘Twtr? It's majorly bad! Leading headteacher condemns 'text speak' for eroding schoolchildren's language skills’, Caroline Jordan, head of a top private girls' school in Oxford, warned a generation of children are leaving school without a proper grasp of spelling and grammar because of the impact of so-called textspeak. Is text talk really as bad as this article makes it out to be? ​Text talk can really be an incredible thing, humans have invented a slang for almost every word to save time typing. However using this language in real life, I would agree is not a good step into the future. However true this may be, the article does ignore a large amount of factors, in conclusion making your article unfair. A lot of things have not been recognized such as the impacts of text talk, the positives. For you as an editor I think its only fair you tell both sides of the story, the people impacted by text talk and the people who use it. Language itself i

Kendrick Lamar interview

Questioner: Thank you for taking a seat with us. You're the reason we needed to turn out to Compton. Kendrick Lamar: I'm happy y'all dropped by here. Simply observing the way of life and the way of life of it and what we're attempting to improve. A ton of these fellows got great hearts. They're just in a situation where it's threatening. Questioner: I turned out over here not knowing a lot about Compton beside what I knew from music. It's underreported. Also, that resemble you folks are providing details regarding the area. Meeting you, that is the main way you become acquainted with an area, by meeting the general population who live there. Kendrick Lamar: Yeah, unquestionably. You know, the greatest misguided judgment is when America takes a gander at these individuals they believe it's all only one identity. In general. It's several identities. Be that as it may, I think generally, you must be in it to comprehend these folks' genuine in
“Language shapes our identity but doesn’t define who we are” This statement has been questioned for hundreds of years. The problem is that there is more to it than only language and thoughts. Culture plays a major role in this. Depending on the people you surround yourself with and interact with, culture, traditions and lifestyle habits are just a few things you can pick up. Language can be expressed in many different ways. It allows us to identify the little things about us. Language does shape our identity, it is a way of expressing the truest version of yourself. However only you have the power to choose whether you will let your language define you and who you are as a person. There are many difficulties people come across when learning language, expecially for foreign speakers. Unlike the English language, foreign languages provide a wider variety of vocabulary to express different ideas. This is explained in the article ‘Why do writers abandon their native language?